Class: Painting 1
Assignment: Paint a portrait of our professor (who posed for us) and use black, white, and a brown. This was our first painting. 18x24

Class: Panting 1
Assignment: Self-Portrait with Black, white, and a primary color. I used a photo of myself and painted a >:3 face on. A lot of people didn't understand why I painted that on there. But it actually relates to internet identity. and I like cats. SO. 24x18

Class: Painting 1
Assignment: Paint a still life using black, white, and complementary colors. I took a barbie-sized vespa and set a mirror up behind it with plastic wrap on the mirrior. A friend owns the original. 18x24

Class: painting 1
Assignemnt: Make a photo collage and paint it. ....Uhhh not much to say. 40x30
...all acrylics BTW.

Class: Drawing II
Assignment: Draw a fruit on a reflective surface using colored pencils.

Class: Drawing II
Assignment: We basically had to draw shadows then turn them into something using charcoal. It was pretty fun! This piece actually was in the student artwork show which ran from April-august 2007. It didn't win anything but I was happy it got in. My brother owns this piece.

Class: Digital Illustration (Adobe Illustrator)
Assihnment: Make a character and color it with the gradient mesh tool. I really love this piece. It was my best in that class (and the only surviving one, though i don't have the original :*( ). A print of it hangs in my parents house.

This piece was for a cover design contest for our schools illustration magazine. I won and it was published for their fifth magazine. YAY!!! It looks nice as the cover which was printed at 8.5x11 so it was cropped a bit. Done in photoshop.
For fun when classes were done. read the description for more info if you wish. Done in Flash and composed in iMovie.
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